
About Me

My Story

Hey! Welcome to my page, all about my Duke I&E Journey! I'm Marcus Nkosi Pierre-Louis, a programmer, music producer, and visual artist reigning from South Florida! I have a passion for the interactivity between technology and the arts. Currently, I'm an undergrad student at Duke University, pursuing Computer Science and Visual Media Studies, along with an Innovation & Entrepreneurship Certificate! I am also a Duke SPIRE Fellow, a fellowship for underrepresented students within STEM fields.

When I first heard about the Innovation and Entrepreneurship certificate at Duke University, I Instantly knew I wanted it. Growing up, I always found interest in inventing new things and being an entrepreneur. This can be seen in the many ventures I’ve created, such as “Voortrix” my first digital media company/initiative. Through pursuing an I&E certificate at Duke, I’ve been fortunate enough to take amazing classes that directly relate to my goals and passions, such as Arts Entrepreneurship and the Innovation Workshop. Each I&E class has given me transferable skills that I will hold on to forever, and use when creating my own tech ventures in the future. Currently, I micro-manage an artist in South Florida, “1:20”. I use many I&E concepts to help me plan and measure success for my artist.

Aside from my own work as an artist manager, I have interned with startups, such as BetterOn, over the past few years. At BetterOn, I was a marketing and Strategy intern. This internship was allotted to me by the I&E job postings, and I am forever grateful. There I was able to grow as a marketer, and explore one of my hobbies, motion graphics and video editing, on a professional level.
